
Virtual Reunion

FCHS History

FCHS73 facebook

Missing Classmates

In Memoriam

Where we are

email Joni

35th Reunion Pictures

Meet & Greet

Reunion Night
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Reunion Night
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30th Reunion Pictures

Ice Breaker

Reunion Night
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Reunion Night
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25th Reunion Pictures

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April 4, 2019

Dear Friends,

Oh my, it has been a VERY long time since any updating has been done here!   Life goes on, we all have had some ups and downs but we do carry on.   Hope that there are lots of good memories and more to come

Our class had a gathering for our 45th reunion, some attended the Homecoming Football game. took a tour of the school and I believe some got together at the Fairview Park Marriott bar.   I heard it was a lot of fun and everyone enjoyed it.

The Class of '74 is going to celebrate their 45th reunion.   "The FCHS Class of 74 would like to invite Classes of 73 and 75 to our reunion celebration on September 21st at the Fairfax County Police Association Hall in Fairfax!   We are looking forward to seeing everyone there!"   If you are interested here is a link to the information:

I hope they have a fantastic time.

I will try not to be so lax in updating the website in the future.   Wishing everyone the best.